Rockingham 24/25 May
Rounds 5 & 6: St Cross Electronics Mono Championship
A reminder to send in your entry for Rockingham! It’s the first time the Club has visited this venue since the Club’s 50th Anniversary Event in 2008, and we would really like to see another big turn-out of Monoposto racers.
Please enter as early as you can. This is very helpful in terms of organisation, and remember that entry fee payments are not processed until 3 days before the event.
We will be using the 1.94 mile International Super Sports Car circuit at Rockingham (Circuit Layout B in the Blue Book), and will be based in the inner paddock. Monoposto will occupy one complete side of this large area, so it should be a relatively comfortable weekend. General Testing is available on this circuit layout on Friday 23 May, contact Rockingham on for details and booking.
Rockingham runs anticlockwise and is the only circuit in the UK with a top-gear banked corner. It is an amazing venue, which isn’t used all that often, so this is a rare chance!
Spa Summer Classic: 27-29 June
We are just topping-off our entry list for this very popular event, so if you want to do Spa this year but have not yet entered you must contact me immediately and we will try to fit you in.
Mallory Park: 20 July
Our expectation is that this non-championship event will be going ahead, so make a note of it in your diary. The meeting is to be run by Classic Sports Car Club and will be the only car race event at Mallory this year. Following the circuit’s change of management, the 2014 track licence is expected to come through in the next couple of weeks, and we will then issue entry forms.
Contact: 9-18 May
I am out of the office from 9 to 18 May, but will have access to email. If you post in a Rockingham entry during this period please confirm by email that you have entered so I can keep our entry status up to date. If you need to contact me urgently while I’m away please send a text to 07770 368648 and I will call back.