This single day event takes place at Croft Circuit on the 28th August as part of the Battle of Britain race weekend.
There is a 1 x 15 min qualifying and 2 x 15 min races, with the grid for race 2 being decided by the finishing positions of race 1.
- Paddock Plan – Monoposto has been allocated Paddock C, which will be vacated by the Porsches racing only on the Saturday
- Entry List (as at 22/08/16)
- Final Instructions
- Timetable 2016 *
- Organising Club: Darlington & District Motor Club
- Circuit Website: Croft
- Lap Records : Moto 1000 – F3 – 1600 – Moto 1400 – 2000 – 1800 – Classic
* There is a 15 minute dedicate practice session for Monoposto on the Saturday evening (17.30 – 17.45) which is £ 60 extra for those who want to do it. Otherwise, all Monoposto sessions are on the Sunday.
There is additional Testing available on Friday 26th August, but from the timetable it would appear that the sessions will be shared with closed wheel cars competing that weekend (MG’s / Porsches / NSSCC), plus anyone else who turns up. Book directly with the circuit in advance.
– Cars – 5 x 30 minute sessions – £125.00 plus VAT = £150.00
– Bikes – 5 x 30 minute sessions – £125.00 plus VAT = £150.00
– Sidecars – 4 x 20 minute sessions – £95.00 plus VAT = £114.00
Don’t get caught out with regulation changes… some people had helmet and FHR (HANS) issues at Oulton Park… so try our helpful guide to some of those 2016 preparations.
Formula Renault Eligibility
A Statement from the Board
Due to some recent forum comments on the decision making Formula Renaults (Tatuus 2006 & 2008 BARC cars) ineligible for the MonoF3 class, the board offers the following information.
Formula Renault were allowed in to Monoposto as it was felt that there may be a number of cars available to race with us. Since 2011 we have had very few cars and in reality there have only ever been a couple of cars each season at most. There have been technical issues and requests for changes to allow greater performance from the cars, also suggested on the forum. These are a “spec” car that are a newer specification than other allowable 2L cars and if allowed to run unfettered could well beat our existing F3 Cars.
On the 14th July 2015 the board made a decision, on balance, to remove the FR eligibility for MonoF3 class and duly published this. There were no prospective FR cars for 2016 season. This decision was fully supported by the Sporting Services Manager at that time. Other class change decisions were also made last year, not everyone likes them when they happen but we just move on and accept that they were made.
As with any motorsport regulation decision giving notice of a change, reversal is difficult as this can upset the stability of the regulations. It was decided to allow a further year of FR eligibility till the end of the 2016 season. No contact was made to board members from any FR drivers and the matter was not questioned at the 2016 AGM. We have not been presented with any proposals for future Formula Renault car eligibility to consider.
Recently there have been some forum posts about “banning FR cars” which is not what has occurred. The earlier cars will become eligible in 2017 to run in MonoF3 when fitted with a mono compliant engine. To clarify, this is due to the MonoF3 date moving forward to allow up to and including 2007 commercially available chassis and bodywork in this class, as already published. The special case allowed for FR cars, which are fitted with the F4R FRS engine, did not warrant further extension as the numbers were not entering and with the chassis package being in date it should be encouraged that these cars fall in to the normal Monoposto requirements next year.
Every year the board review and update the regulations, we don’t just make it up as we go along. To the majority of the board the presence of FR cars on the grid makes little difference to them on race days as they are not in the same class.
As previously advised, any proposals for Formula Renault cars should be directed to Terry Clark and Kevin Couling.
Whilst making this statement we would like to highlight that the forum is not the correct place to contact the board. Every race meeting, there are board members in the paddock and there are specific class reps as well. If you want something considered, we are always willing to listen. We then discuss and look at in more detail to come to a decision in time for inclusion in the next year’s regulations. Please remember that the board is a collective and individual decision making is not democratic in this respect. We can’t just make a statement on the forum, it has to be agreed between us (and we don’t always agree, and this often takes time) and we have to consider any confidentiality before anything significant can be published. This is precisely why we only publish official statements on Startline.
The Board
August 2016.
This 2 day event takes place on the Silverstone GP circuit on the 11th and 12th of September as part of the MSVR race day. Over the 2 days there is 1 x 20 min qualifying and 2 x 20 min races for a SINGLE combined Monoposto grid of 54 cars maximum.
The races will employ a rolling start due to the large number of starters, and remember to fuel for 20 minutes rather than the usual 15.
Details of the meeting will appear here as they become available. The official, up-to-date information can be found on the MSVR website
Contact Silverstone for any Testing opportunities. They are sold out and are operating a reserve list.
Don’t get caught out with regulation changes... some people had helmet and FHR (HANS) issues at Oulton Park… so try our helpful guide to some of those 2016 preparations.
Additionally, there will be a Monoposto discussion forum to help with 2017 planning. This informal meeting will be held in the Brooklands Suite at Silverstone on this Saturday 10th September 6.30 – 7.30pm.
- Final Instructions
- Supplementary Regulations
- Silverstone GP Version 5 Entry List (as at 6.9.16)
- Paddock Plan – Issue THREE but we have been promised an area inside the outer paddock (with 240V power) this time.
- Timetable (issue two)
Monoposto Lap Records
Moto 1000 – F3 – 1600 – Moto 1400 – 2000 – 1800 – Classic
Silverstone venue info
Silverstone Weather
For on track photography see
The Monoposto 2016 BBQ and Baking Grand Prix will be on Saturday 13th August at Donington Park.
Please remember to bring your own drinks and chairs.
Please contact Terry Clark on 07767 684164 or for BBQ tickets.
2016 sees the return of the famous Monoposto Baking Grand Prix. All entries to Sarah Dittmann by 11AM on the day please for our expert panel to judge. In accordance with normal completion rules, entries will not be returned but they will be available for all to sample at the end of the BBQ.
Look forward to seeing you all there.
We even have some spaces left on the grids for those pesky race cars to do their thing as support to the Baking GP as well
Last years BBQ at Brands Hatch was smashing… and as the boss of FatBlokeRacing I am looking forward to my 1st Baking GP… yum…… Steven.
Might interest some Monoposties (we are an ‘invited’ club)….
There are still some places left at the Brighton & Hove Motor Club Eagle Sprint which will be held at the historic Goodwood motor circuit on Saturday 6th August.
I have attached the SR’s and the Entry Form or you can enter on-line at
If you know anyone else who would be interested in entering please pass this email onto them.
Vice Chairman
Brighton & Hove Motor Club
As published on StartlineOnLine..
This notice is a clarification and does not make any changes to current regulations.
There have been queries from members considering using the Piedrafita engine in Mono F3.
Regulation 5(7).1 allow for the use of Standard Production Engines as specified.
Regulation 5(7).2 allows for the use of the specified “Piedrafita” engine without modification, with a restrictor as specified and with the original Piedrafita seals intact. Previously issued Championship Technical Bulletin MRC/2016/1 sets the air restrictor aperture size at 28.5mm for Piedrafita engines.
Engines used in Mono F3 must comply with Regulation 5(7).1 OR 5(7).2 OR 5(7).3 as specified in the regulations.
Standard production engine parts and components and Piedrafita engine parts and components cannot be mixed and used together to make a single engine. This would produce a hybrid engine which is neither a standard production engine nor a Piedrafita engine, and a hybrid engine is not allowed.
Please also note that it is not a straight swap to fit a Monoposto compliant Toyota 3GSE Gen 3 engine in to a Piedrafita car as the head is different and changes to manifolds and engine mounts will be needed.
Cars using either the 3S-GE Piedrafieta engine or other Formula 3 specification engines must comply with the current F3Cup regulations on induction vacuum, notably:
“The material for the air box is free providing that it is not porous. The total air box system must be capable of sustaining a vacuum of ‘3 inches’ of mercury when using a pump drawing a maximum of 0.9 cubic feet per minute of free air. In the event of a failure of the vacuum pump test the following secondary test will be offered to the competitor concerned. With the engine at tick over, when putting a plug on the air restrictor of the intake system, the engine shall be stopped in less than 2 seconds. Declining the secondary test will be considered as a failure to comply. Any device or construction that is designed to adjust or alter the size, shape or length of the inlet tract/trumpets, or improve airflow, operated by any manner (electrical, mechanical, hydraulic or pneumatic) whilst the car and engine are in use, is prohibited under all circumstances. The engine shall have no mechanism which is capable of adjusting the valve timing following a mechanical, hydraulic pneumatic or electrical input whilst the engine is in operation.”
At the Brands Hatch Indy Circuit rounds of the JMT Mono Championship we were very fortunate to have Live TV streaming sponsored by regular Mono F3 competitor Richard Purcell… thank you Richard.
Here are the videos of the individual races held over the weekend.
Currently this coverage was only a ‘one off’ from the TV production company.
Saturday 14th May
Mono Race 1 – Mono F3, Mono 2000 and Mono Classic
Mono Race 2 – Moto 1400, Moto 1000, Mono 1800 and Mono 1600
Sunday 15th May
Mono Race 3 – Mono F3, Mono 2000 and Mono Classic
Mono Race 4 – Moto 1400, Moto 1000, Mono 1800 and Mono 1600
If you are not sure which car your favourite driver was in… try our Spotter Guide
Race results can be found via the TSL website
Mono F3, Mono 2000 and Mono Classic
Moto 1400, Moto 1000, Mono 1800 and Mono 1600
Moto1400, Moto1000, 1800 and 1600 classes, reduction in number of 2016 JMT Mono Championship rounds.
Following the aborted race at Oulton Park, the Club has concluded that attempting to accommodate a replacement round for those people inconvenienced would be impractical and therefore for these classes the 2016 JMT Mono Championship will now be contested over a maximum of 15 rounds (in the firm hope that nothing else causes us to loose any further rounds). Oulton will be recorded as only one round taking place.
This ‘lost’ round does not count as a dropped score. The Championship regulations (copied below) allow for this situation with the final points position being calculated on each competitors best scores out of the number of rounds actually held, minus 2. Thus, if nothing else reduces the number of rounds run, the top 13 scores FOR THESE CLASSES will count for the championship.
The other classes of Mono F3, 2000 & Classic remain unaffected since they completed 2 rounds at Oulton Park.
1(6).2 The points awarded from all valid championship rounds held less 2 will determine final championship points and positions, including the Monoposto SUNBAC Nova Awards
This single day event takes place on the full GP circuit at Brands Hatch on Saturday 23rd July as part of the MSVR race day . There will be 1 x 15 min qualifying and 2 x 15 min races during the day for each of our two grids. Race 2 grid will be set by 2nd fastest laptime from the qualifying. Max cars per grid = 38 so total Monoposto capacity = 76. This is a round of the JMT Mono Championship and cars must fully comply with the championship regulations.
Testing is only available on the Indy circuit on Friday 22nd July TESTING GARAGE PLAN
BookaTrack have a GP circuit trackday on 29th June
RMA have a GP Circuit Premium Event Trackday on the 19th July .
Details of the meeting will appear here as they become available. The official, up-to-date information can be found on the MSVR website
GARAGES… Monoposto sharing the garages with Champion of Brands.. Currently looks like 2 – 3 per garage (which we have done before).. anyone who would rather not be in the garages should request an outer paddock space (but this is a busy meeting and space is at a premium). Motorhome parking available above the main grandstands (by arrangement with MSVR) with access via the pedestrian tunnel (sounds like Spa all over again!)… UPDATE from MSVR
- Motorhome parking will be available in Grey Car Park, behind the hospitality suites. Please ask the gate staff for directions on arrival. There will be water available there but no power unfortunately.
LOCAL KNOWLEDGE – Don’t get caught out by the Paddock Entrance signs.. The Back Gate is NOT open except on actual race days, if arriving Friday then come in the MAIN entrance… lots more local info here.
Reminder about regulation changes... some people had helmet and FHR (HANS) issues at Oulton Park… so try our helpful guide to some of those 2016 preparations.
Entry List at 20/7/16
Garage Allocation V2 at 20/7/16
Timetable issue 2... for this 2nd visit to Brands the Moto x2 plus 1800 and 1600 will be grid one and go home earliest
Monoposto Lap Records
Moto 1000 – F3 – 1600 – Moto 1400 – 2000 – 1800 – Classic
Brands Hatch venue info
Brands Hatch Weather
Pictures of this meeting will be posted on
For on track photography see
Video from 2015
This two day event takes place on the 1.6404 mile Silverstone National circuit as part of an MSVR championship visit to this famous circuit.
There will be one x 15 min qualifying and one x 15 min race on each day for each of our 2 grids comprising up to 36 cars, thus capacity at this meeting for 72 cars.
Paddock parking will be in the area behind the garages fully serviced by circuit 240v power. With less than 50 entries we shouldn’t have much parking up trouble.
Timetable is reasonably Mono friendly… the “Dots” are going first again for this round (they go 2nd at Donington)… Live Monaco GP watching friendly as well (Monaco GP TV parties in our paddock?.. no beers for the drivers!!) with our group awards ceremony (with some Brands awards to present as well) at 12.30 at The Hub on Sunday.
The podium at Silverstone is also more Mono friendly, we can stop the 1-2-3 from each class under the podium as they come in rather than trying to get our winners there from parce ferme which is almost in another postcode from the podium. Dummy trophies on the podium for all classes (assuming result not subject to delay for investigation).. real trophies at The Hub – group presentation at 12.30 on Sunday.
Passes… some people had ‘misplaced’ theirs for Brands, please check in advance that you have yours available to use. Please remember this is not an MSVR circuit and they have their own way of doing things… note the circuit access times in the Finals.
Discount codes for buying extra tickets from Silverstone circuit
The official, up-to-date information can be found on the MSVR website
We are trying something different due to the ‘opportunity’ the lower than expected number of entries for Sunday provides.
There will be one COMBINED qualifying of 20 mins for all the classes.
Qualifying times per class from this combined session will then set the grids for the two different Mono races which will be run in their original configuration but for 20 mins instead of 15 mins.
You get one 20 min qualifying and one 20 min race so more tracktime than originally planned
OK.. so this is going to be a bit ‘marmite’ I know. The straw pole I conducted had a 50:50 split of people who enthusiastically wanted the extra 10 mins of track time (which we have paid for anyway) while the others were less impressed with having the busier qualifying. I consulted the Exec of the Board and they concluded that the extra track time argument won on this occasion
If all the cars entered are able to make it to Sunday qualifying then we will have 43 cars (just allowed in the track licence +20% permitted for qualifying) .
- Yes this will be busy!
- It is the same for everyone
- If anyone would rather sit out qualifying and then start ‘back of the grid’ based on their 3 laps from Saturday then you can.
- If 20 mins qualifying is long for you then you could follow the F1 style and pick your track time to go out for your 3 laps.
- Saturday remains unchanged.
- Remember to fuel for 20 mins!
- All classes will be on the grid in even larger numbers at Spa and Silverstone GP
NB Drivers briefing. Probably Switching to a single combined briefing in the JMT awning at 9.45am Saturday.
Entry List 19/5/16
Monoposto Lap Records
Moto 1000 – F3 – 1600 – Moto 1400 – 2000 – 1800 – Classic
Silverstone venue info
Silverstone Weather
Pictures of this meeting will be posted on
For on track photography see
Video of testing on the Silverstone National circuit
TOP NEWS… Donington wins a fierce battle to be selected for the 2016 Monoposto BBQ and Baking GP.
This 2 day event takes place on the GP circuit at Donington Park on the 13th and 14th of August as part of the MSVR race day
Don’t get caught out with regulation changes... some people had helmet and FHR (HANS) issues at Oulton Park… so try our helpful guide to some of those 2016 preparations.
Donington testing.. usually no testing on the Friday before a race weekend .. see
- Entry List as at 8/8/16
- Paddock Plan (Issue TWO)
- Timetable (Issue THREE)
- Final Instructions (Issue TWO)
- Supplementary Regulations (Issue ONE)
Monoposto Lap Records
Moto 1000 – F3 – 1600 – Moto 1400 – 2000 – 1800 – Classic
Donington Park venue info
Donington Park Weather
Pictures of this meeting will be posted on and for on track photography see
TV Quality Video from Brands Hatch.
Delighted to announce, due to the superb generosity of sponsorship from Richard Purcell, these Monoposto races at Brands Hatch were shown on live TV streaming and are now being made available on the Monoposto website & Facebook page for everyone to re-live their glory moments. Exact details to follow and expect a LIVE TV STREAMING link to appear now here. Currently this is a one-off… enter now to be a star of possibly the only time Mono is on the the goggle-winterweb-thingemigig – box in 2016!
This 2 day event takes place on the Indy circuit at Brands Hatch on the 14th and 15th of May as part of the MSVR race day. There will be one x 15 min qualifying and one x 15 min race on each day for each of our 2 grids comprising up to 30 cars, thus capacity at this meeting for 60 Monoposto cars.
Testing is SOLD OUT at the circuit on Friday 13th (!!) anyone thinking of giving up a single seater slot?.
.. we have an un official list of people wanting... everyone who asked here has now got a slot. Contact MSV direct Alan Tapson – 01474 875340
Details of the meeting will appear here as they become available. The official, up-to-date information can be found on the MSVR website
Paddock plan Paddock Plan Issue ONE 3 Monos associated with F3Cup teams have talked their way into garages… well they won’t get any of our free Tea or Coffee then!
Timetable Timetable 14 15 May – Issue ONE
Final Instructions Final Instructions Issue ONE
SR’s SR’s 14-15.05.16 BH Indy Issue ONE
We are in the outer paddock in one long line by the back vegetation with the JMT Artic and the Mono Hub planned to be right in the middle of that line.
Everyone nice and handy for the circuit 240V.
The finals allow for engine starts at 8.15am on Saturday and our first scrutineering is timetabled at 8.30am…. so driving up the hill is just viable. Remember cars come out the front of the scrutineering bay (towards the tunnels) and you Q into the back by going up the hill, turning right half way up and then right again into the Q. Mono F3 cars need to present their 4 dry tyres for marking up (on the car is fine!).
TYRES…. For Monoposto Mono F3 championship regulation 5 (13) 4 limiting the number of dry weather ‘slick’ tyres will apply. Tyres will be marked by the championship scrutineer prior to qualifying.
Pirelli due to be in the paddock at this meeting
Briefings are listed as taking place in Hailwoods but that is a very noisy venue, especially with breakfast going on, so we might change that to being in an awning.. await confirmation. NOW IN THE JMT AWNING in the middle of our parking run.. same times as timetable.

Trophy Lane in 2015
With the Brands pitlane and 2 physical podiums we will follow the plan from last year. The 1-2-3 overall and 1-2-3 from each class should stop in the pitlane (or parc ferme if so directed) and will have trophies and a photo op on the podiums with dummy trophies. Being back on a two day timetable provides the opportunity for an old fashioned Mono get together trophy presentation during Sunday lunch when we will present the real trophies from Saturday plus the MAC Driver of the Day medals for Saturday and from Cadwell. For the Sunday races we will use the dummy trophies on the podiums and then invite our winners to collect their real trophy from The Hub – thus not asking people to delay their departure on Sunday.
Reminder if you are arriving at Brands anytime before Saturday morning… the Paddock gate will NOT be open except on the race days… come in through the main front entrance until about 7.00am on race days.
.. and if you will be coming over the QE2 bridge at Dartford a reminder it is a toll bridge but you pay online…. For more local notes see HERE
For Mono 2000 people be aware that Richard Fores is running as an extra in this class from Mono 1800, taking the opportunity for some extra, non-points scoring, running on Saturday only.
Across the weekend we have a little extra competition running .. this can be explained by the following extract from the draft programme blurb:
“this weekend being driven by student Peter O’Regan having his first ever race as he represents Kingston Uni in our three way Educational Team Trophy battle with UWTSD (Swansea) represented by Kevin Couling in Mono 2000 and John DeWitney racing for the College of West Anglia in Mono F3. All 3 cars will be run by student teams and the winner will be judged on the performance of the team overall, not the outright performance of their driver.”
Emma Cliffe, Alister Poulter and James King (MSVR) have agreed to act as our impartial judges for this trophy.
LOCAL KNOWLEDGE – Don’t get caught out by the Paddock Entrance signs.. The Back Gate is NOT open except on actual race days, if arriving Friday then come in the MAIN entrance… lots more local info here.
Reminder about regulation changes... some people had helmet and FHR (HANS) issues at Oulton Park… so try our helpful guide to some of those 2016 preparations.
Entry List 9-5-16
Monoposto Lap Records
Moto 1000 – F3 – 1600 – Moto 1400 – 2000 – 1800 – Classic
Brands Hatch venue info
Brands Hatch Weather
Pictures of this meeting will be posted on
Video from 2015
For on track photography see
The Monoposto website hosting problems (causing page links to appear broken or just being very slow) have been addressed.
BIG thanks to JMT Group for providing access to a major professional server/hosting facility and for the work to migrate the site to its new home.
Now we can really use the website properly with reliable links….. and the links on the website actually look like web hyperlinks.
So for example… ALL the details for our recent Easter Monday meeting can be found by clicking on the image below (please review).
….or the next round at Cadwell Park latest info can be found by clicking on this image below.
On pages like these on the website you will find all the latest information about our race meetings including the most up-to-date timetables etc … remember if you have downloaded an earlier version, that won’t update on your computer or phone, if a newer one is loaded to the website – but going to the website should always give you the latest version.
… and if you keep one place in mind to come back to for all the details, try the Calendar… might I suggest that this is a page worth bookmarking.
… then click on the button for the meeting you want to know about.
• ALL the important operational information appears on the website first.
• Emails and Twitter will highlight and link to the information on the website.
• Our magazine features Startline and Facebook provide enhanced coverage where applicable.
• Email reminders to check the meeting details are always sent at least ahead of the individual race meetings (usually as soon as the Finals are received) just like the old envelope of timetables etc that used to drop through your letter box in the days before emails (there is still an envelope sent to one competitor)
Any queries you have that the website etc fail to answer, please ask… it probably highlights something we need to cover for your fellow Monoposties as well, and we can always improve.
IMPORTANT .. if ANY Monoposties receiving this email are unable to view web pages then please let me know as all the above form the core of my method of communicating with you all.
Happy browsing…. Can you tell?… I am a very happy bunny to have this working properly!
PS and the forum has been updated to newer software and looks a little bit different.
PPS Outstanding ‘glitch’… the tables for results are misbehaving – our team looking at that, hope to have them back soon.
Steven Connor
Important Guidelines – when our sponsor JM Technical Group are supplying the paddock power/
- NO cables across active roadways
- Beware of creating trip hazards
- Do not overload extension cables
- Equipment must be checked and suitable for the purpose
- If wet, all connections must be IP rated or enclosed
- Please use the supply responsibly for the benefit of all
- Generator being turned off at 11.00pm.
The JMT generator is 3 phase and produces 60 amp per phase, this gives us a total of 180 amps to work with. With 56(ish) cars per event that works out to be 3 amps per car, once we factor in diversity of approximately 50% every car will have 6 amps minimum.
All outlets will be 16 amp blue single phase these will be fused at 16amps to allow for bigger loads like compressors. In the interest of fairness to all, if competitors ‘stress’ the paddock power provided by connecting heaters, cookers and other continuous loads it will become necessary to down rate the trips to 6 amps. Please use the supply considerately, low power devices (as will be familiar to caravanners) or simply turning one device off before running another will help maintain this facility for everyone.
The generator at full load consumes 10 liters/hour . We will shut the generator down after 11pm.
As part of designing to cope with the expected load, the bigger teams(Avit, Fern etc) will have a 32 amp single phase supply which will be supplied via a splitter box providing 16amp outlets. It is necessary to ask that they do not use other sockets so everyone gets access to power outlets.
JMT have a duty of care as they own the infrastructure and need to put certain things in place to ensure the safety and integrity of the supply.
– We will only allow proper extension cables to be plugged into the power distribution boards (Artic blue cable, orange caravan extensions…..) with the cable cross-section of 1.5mm^2 or greater.
– We will not allow the 16A to 13a domestic adapters to be plugged directly into our power distribution boards, however these type adapters can be used in the competitors awning or area.
– We will not allow domestic extensions to be used to connect our distribution boards to the competitors awning, once in their awning the competitor is free to select any suitable leads they need.
– Any extensions that are in a poor state of repair will not be permitted to be plugged in.
– No paddock road crossings
To help competitors JMT can provide 10m leads for cost @ the price of £15.
All electrical items must be checked by a competent person and be suitable for use and should only be used for their intended purpose. Ensure that equipment and leads are suitable for location and environment. If it’s wet make sure your connections are suitably IP rated or enclosed.
Do not overload extension leads. Ensure your leads are fully unwound.
Consider trip hazard when running any leads. Do not leave coils in walkways. Underneath trailers can be a convenient location to lose any slack cable.
Remember, the paddock is not only a working area, it is also a public area. Take this in to account when using any equipment.
MSVR have asked us to highlight their Health and Safety requirements, with a particular emphasis on Working at Height and the use of paddock vehicles (Vehicle Safety) as detailed in the H&S appendix attached to the Supplementary Regulations for each event.
HSE website links than may be helpful.
If you are not sure about anything, please ask.
This single
day event takes place on the full circuit at Cadwell Park on Sunday May 1st as part of the MSVR race day. There will be 1 x 15 min qualifying and 2 x 15 min races during the day for each of our 2 grids. Race 2 grid for each group will be set by 2nd fastest laptime from their qualifying. Max cars per grid = 24 so total Monoposto capacity = 48
Testing is available
at the circuit on Saturday 30th April with a Monoposto exclusive session at the end of the day… makes it practical to get to Cadwell and still have a test session. Please make use of this as it will help us negotiate further test sessions in the future.
List of people booked in for testing as at 26th April.
Wood, Jared |
Drew, Mark |
Reed, Jonathan |
Bishop, Anthony |
Gillett, David |
Cater, Ben |
Purcell, Richard |
Hodgen, Chris |
Jones, David |
Harris, James |
Laque, Peter |
Shaw, Mark |
Village, John |
Watts, Robbie |
Harrison, Neil |
Details of the meeting will appear here as they become available. The official, up-to-date information can be found on the MSVR website
SRs Final Instructions Issue ONE
Don’t get caught out with regulation changes... some people had helmet and FHR (HANS) issues at Oulton Park… so try our helpful guide to some of those 2016 preparations.
Paddock plan (click on the image). Atom cup have now pulled out of this event, therefore we get a little more of the tarmac IMPORTANT The JMT truck and awning (inc the Mono Hub) will be positioned as shown on the tarmac above scrutineering. With the awning sticking out slightly into the road we will need to leave some space opposite free (or possibly used side on by a ‘small footprint’ team) to allow the roadway to chicane past the awning.
The JMT tractor unit (with the generator) will be positioned up one tier with a high level power cable reaching to the awning. In this way we can supply power to both levels without cables on the roadway.
PLEASE can we only have race vehicles and direct support vehicles on the lower area (where the tarmac is at a MAJOR premium) and all other caravans and motorhomes to go on the one tier up (where they still get access to the power)… thank you. It would help if entrants could advise the size of rig they bring to our events… phone/email/FBmessage or use the 2016 Paddock Equipment Survey form.
NOTE. Over 100 litres of diesel was stolen from the JMT artic unit at Oulton (overnight while people slept in the cab!).. they only realised when they nearly ran out after leaving the circuit. For Cadwell they will be running CCTV for our mutual protection in the paddock…. last year we had personal possessions inc passports stolen from inside units at Cadwell – so be careful and security conscious everyone.
240V power will again be supplied by JMT for those who would like to use this. Please read the important notes. At Oulton we had circuits trip out because people were putting too much load on the system… please keep peak load to a minimum by running low power devices and turning one thing off (like heater) before turning on another (like a kettle!).
Timetable Timetable 1 May 2016 Cadwell Park Issue ONE…. as part of sharing out the pain (or pleasure) of being 1st (or last) out, this time the Mono Moto, 1800 & 1600 grid will be the first of our grids.
Trophies will be given out on the podium in the lower assembly area for all classes as soon as possible after each of the 4 races.
Entry List 25/4/16
Monoposto Lap Records
Moto 1000 – F3 – 1600 – Moto 1400 – 2000 – 1800 – Classic
Cadwell Park venue info
Cadwell Park Weather
Pictures of this meeting will be posted on
Video from 2015
For on track photography see