A Letter From The Chairman
Eddie Guest writes:
Dear Monoposto members (and non-members)
I thought as we start the new season I would just put a few comments together and highlight some of the events this year.
We have a new Sponsor in JMTechnical which should bring some additional benefits to the club and in particular working in the paddock with their plans to provide power, a very welcome benefit! In return please ensure you obtain from Steven and his team the new sponsor stickers for your cars, as well as the Monoposto Roundels.
The Calendar has now been finalised with 16 rounds for the Monoposto championship and 8 rounds with the Tiedeman Trophy so already a pretty full year. Also we have at present 3 non championship events, the first in March at Snetterton http://www.monoposto.co.uk/2016/02/snetterton-200-non-champ-races-19th-march-2016/ which is a great shake down opportunity and then at the end of June we have the very popular http://www.monoposto.co.uk/2016/02/2016-spa-summer-classic/ Spa event. I would strongly recommend that if you plan to enter Spa you do so quickly as this could be the last time for some years that we are able to go there and consequently it could be very popular, and finally close out the year at Brands Hatch in November with an MSVR/Mono meeting as in previous years.
Earlier this month some of the board and I had the opportunity to meet with David Scott & David Willey at MSVR, the reason for the meeting was for MSVR to have feedback as to how they can continue to develop the racing experience for our members. I don’t plan to put all the details here but I think a few items are worth noting!
- Paddock parking The Parking up team in the paddock were recognised as doing a difficult job well, Stephen Green in particular. We all usually arrive at the paddock tired and eager to set up for the weekend, but please take the time to be as helpful as possible to the park up team as helping them helps us in the long run. MSV agreed that Brands Hatch paddock needs to be marked out better and for Silverstone, Monoposto would prefer to have a paddock space closer to the garages
- Health and Safety. Several topics were identified and highlighted so in no particular order
- Working on the top of trucks to erect awnings
- Cable covers over cables that cross roads
- General lifting and carrying
- Powered scooters and cars being driven by youngsters
MSV are planning to issue new safety guidelines shortly but common sense is really the order of the day.
- Scrutineering. We requested for this to be done in situ rather than having to take cars to the scrutineering bay sometimes before race engines are allowed to be run.
MSV seemed sympathetic and will look at the possibility where practical although it is important for drivers to be ready with their cars and not difficult to find!!
- Briefings! The timing of briefings and location were key to ensuring a low stress start to the racing day, a couple of suggestions were made to try and alleviate this
- Can the briefings be in the paddock in either the JMTechnical awning if large enough or one of the other large awnings?
- Would it be possible for both grid briefings to be open to all competitors so if they were in the middle of sorting a problem out they could go to the other briefing – this seemed workable from the MSV perspective.
- Rain Lights New MRC spec applauded by MSV.
- Oulton Park MSVR are promoting the Oulton Easter Monday event as a family oriented day out. We asked them to supply more details so our members could also promote the event in the correct way. Please see linkhttp://www.monoposto.co.uk/2016/02/jmt-mono-rounds-1-2-oulton-park-28th-march/
In the meantime we only have a few weeks left to finish the over winter fettling, fit those new rain lights, and generally get ready for what should be a great season.
Talking of which there is an excellent article on Startline http://startline.org.uk/slol91/2016prep.html that discusses the various rule changes from the MSA that you need to be aware of, including helmet and FHR / HANS device compatibility!!
All the best for the new season.
Disclaimer: The above represents only the unofficial view of the writer and not of the Monoposto Racing Club in any way whatsover. Subheadlines and captions are not originated from the named author. We are unable to reproduce results due to copyright reasons. If any pictures are copyright and the owner wishes them removed please email us.
Timely reminder from our StartlineOnLine editorial team about some things to check ahead of the new season..
- Rain lights
- Helmets
- Steering wheels
- Cameras
- Numbers
This event takes place on the Fosters circuit on Monday 28th as part of the Easter FunDay
Two free adult tickets to give away… see our facebook page FINISHED
No testing is available at the circuit in the run up to the meeting so we have negotiated a ‘FREE’ practice for each grid – at NO EXTRA charge to our competitors (your club is absorbing the cost into the meeting finances). By entering the meeting you are automatically entered for the 15 min practice session, although you can sit this out if you prefer to go straight to the qualifying. The rest of the day runs as normal, with a single qualifying using the 1st and 2nd fastest lap rules to set the grids for the 1st and 2nd races….
Details of the meeting will appear here as they become available. The official, up-to-date information can be found on the MSVR website
REVISED Latest entries list as at 24th March
Don’t get caught out with regulation changes… try our helpful guide to some of those 2016 preparations.
Paddock plan attached. MSVR confirm Access to the paddock should be from midday on Sunday 27th….. the Mono team aiming to be there around 1.00pm.
N.B. Arrangements made for JMT to be allowed in before midday to set up our 240v generator facilities… don’t ‘fume’ at the gate if you arrive early and they won’t let you in!
We have a large block because JMT are providing the 240v power from their unit in the centre and they will NOT permit cables across roadways. We will have roadways around our block so please position yourselves accordingly – setting up in long ways rather than width ways should help utilise the space. Anyone who doesn’t require power can of course have more flexibility. Some good paddock power ‘etiquette’ notes to follow for the benefit of all. NB. JMT assure me theirs is one of the quietest generator sets around but for the benefit of paddock campers, we will turn off at 11.00pm (as the Mini’s did at Donington) on Sunday 27th.. which will be the revised 11.00pm because.. Clocks go forward.. On the Morning of Sunday 27th… so doesn’t directly effect us unless you still haven’t reset yours on the morning of the 28th!! reminder here
All competitors are invited to sign on at Race Administration between 16:00 & 18:00 on Sunday 27th March.. make sure your clocks are set right!
Scrutineering Sunday 27th 2.00pm – 5.00pm. We have arranged for the help of a scrutineer (remember to thank him for giving up his Sunday afternoon!) to open the bay between 2 and 5pm to work through the Mono earlier birds. Expect to be given your actual scrutineering tickets on Monday after the full meeting is underway.
Tyre Fitters
MSVR do not believe any tyre supply companies are due to be present at this meeting.
Trophy Presentations
Bank Holiday Monday… Mmm… in respect of the need for people to get away after this very busy day, all class trophies will be presented on the podium as soon as possible after each of the 4 races.
Timetable attached, please note:
Due to concerns over the amount of scrutineering time for the whole meeting in view of this being the first one under the 100% FHR (HANS) rules (and rain lights with Monoposto) our Chief Scrutineer is unable to spare the scrutineers to do scrutineering in situ this time… be nice for him this time and we should be able to ask for this at future events!
With each grid going out 4 times in the day the timetable is busy with the need for scrutineering, getting out for ‘Free’ practice, drivers briefing and then qualifying… plus a cheeky desire for a season opening photo shoot. We have an interesting compromise!
All cars to go through scrutineering and then straight into the parc ferme area
‘Suited and booted’
Spotted a little ‘wrinkle’ that might help on Monday morning.. Exact details yet to be finalised but the Chief Scrutineer has agreed with ..
We are going to have about 48 mono drivers who all need to scrutineer their cars from 8.00am (I am sure they will be able to start earlier ..VAG ARE BEING ‘DONE’ IN THEIR GARAGES SO WE CAN LINE UP EARLIER IN THE BAY AND SUBJECT TO SCRUTINEER AVAILABLITY, GET STARTED EARLIER) and attend a drivers briefing at 8.15am (which will be in the JMT awning if the weather is inclement) to then return to their cars for a photo shoot in parc ferme and then straight out for free practice (2 sessions). Photo shoot is optional, going out in the free practice is optional, only scrutineering and drivers briefing are compulsory… you can skip the photo shoot in parce ferme and/or free practice and go straight into qualifying – starting from the assembly area NOT parc ferme
While a lot of the mono cars can be scrutineered with team members (and various mono team guys will help anyone on his own), the difficulty is that the drivers will really need to be ‘suited and booted’ in their official wear before they go to the drivers briefing as there won’t be time for them to change afterwards. This means checking their race suit and boots with their car becomes impractical.
If our drivers present themselves ‘suited and booted’ to the scrutineering office, a scrutineer can do the suit and boot check and note that down – maybe initials on the sign on ticket?. Then the rest of the gear can be with the car and the scrutineer who does the actual car knows the suit and boots have been checked.
Photo Shoot and Free practice
BOTH grids to form up in parc ferme and a combined 2 grid (all monoposties) drivers briefing will take place either in the open in parc ferme (weather permitting) or the JMT awning at 8.15am. While the briefing is going on the cars will be used for the photo opportunity and the drivers can head straight back from the briefing for more pictures. Grid 1 will then leave the parc ferme and go down the pitlane to exit onto the circuit from there. Grid 2 can form up ready to do the same. For all of the 3 other sessions for each grid during the day the normal assembly area will be used NOT parc ferme.
2016 Spotter Pictures
Time to think about spotter pictures for the race day programmes in 2016. Deadline 14th March.
Our current stock is of course cars as they looked in 2015 Any special stories for the programme, well let me know!
If people have piccies of their new 2016 cars/look then please send in and the Oulton programme can use those. Ideally on track shots but even ones taken on your drive or in your workshop help identify the cars.
Thank you and welcome to new member Taylor Macvean for his spotter picture of his RF93 resplendent in Mono number, class dot, JMT stickers and MSVR stickers.. First one to go in my new spotter file. … and just to remind everyone, he has the nice new FIA spec flashing rain light required by our 2016 regs.. don’t forget now!
Those people racing at Snetterton on the 19th get a chance to show off their new look in front of Andrews camera lens!
Ticket offer from MSVR
We have a discount code for competitors who want to buy tickets for Oulton Park 28th March.
Standard online advance price is £15, and the discounted price will be £12. Only available in advance and online.
The code is MONO
Oulton Park venue info Oulton Park Weather
Pictures of this meeting will be posted on
For on track photography see
Thank you to the Monoposties who turned out for another cold by glorious day of sunshine (3rd year in a row, how do they manage it?… we had snow on the track for the trackday the day before!) for the MSVR 10th anniversary Media event at Brands Hatch.
Representing their respective classes we had:
Moto 1400 – Geoff Fern and Nigel Davers
Moto 1000 – Tony Gauntlett
1600 – a passing FF1600 I borrowed from Champion of Brands!
1800 – Peter O’Regan making his first use of his race licence to help us out…. looking forward to seeing him out in the Kingston Uni Formula Asia car.
F3 – James Williams
Classic – Andrew Barron (who also represented Monoposto in the big grid shot as well)
2000 – Kevin Otway & Ben Duncalf… moving from engineering the UWTSD car to driving it!
Piccies can be found on facebook
Piccies from the day already being planned for our exhibition boards at Race Retro (VERY early mock up below) so great to have up to date piccies of the 7 classes.
This is a NON CHAMPIONSHIP race meeting being run by MSVR (entries go back to MSVR and NOT Rachel @ MAC)
Almost ANY up to 2.0Litre single seater that meets MSA and noise requirements (final decision on acceptance lies with the organisers MSVR)
MSVR Monoposto 200 (1 x 20 minute qualifying and 2 x 20 minute races)
£275 Entry form – MSVR Monoposto 200 19 03 16
Details of the meeting will appear here as they become available. The official, up-to-date information can be found on the MSVR website
Entries as at 4th March 2016
9 | Peter Lague |
45 | Louis Watts |
18 | David Gillett |
57 | Chris Levy |
82 | Ben Cater |
55 | Henry Chart |
MSVR Info SR’s Finals Paddock Plan Timetable
Snetterton Testing
Snetterton Circuit Info
Snetterton Weather
A few reminders about 2016 preparations from our StartLine editorial team…
Can’t be a bad way to blow away the winter cobwebs and test the car in a competitive environment… and it is ONLY with similar cars unlike poor old Ben Cater getting punted off by a saloon in Donington general testing last year.
Race Retro
The club will again have a stand at Race Retro 2016. (Stoneleigh Park, Coventry 26th – 28th Feb 2016)
Monoposto can be found in Hall 3 Stand N140 which is behind the Interview Stage (or in sight of the FireEngine bar!)
Mono cars on display will be courtesy of the following members:
Nick Harrison – Dallara Mono F3
Alistair Bell – Reynard Mono 2000 (for sale)
Jon Reed – Jedi Moto 1000 (for sale)
We will also have a list of cars for sale available to prospective new members including:
John Whitbourn – Mono 1800 Duratec
Jason Timms – Moto 1000 Speads
Super Veloce Racing – Mono 2000 Van Diemen
Geoff Pashley –
Anyone wanting an advert (Mono eligible cars please) please just send me something I can print!
Logbook of the meeting now PUBLISHED
Briefing Notes now PUBLISHED
Extra parking for large Motorhomes/Trucks to be above garage 42 after mid day Thursday (being used for noise testing prior to that)
Details of this event will continue to be updated here as published: see also the very helpful and special page for Monoposto.
Spa_Summer_Classic_Timetable_2016 Unoffical SUMMARY TIMETABLE V3
Spa passes 2016. For this year the organisers are using a form of e-pass which will allow competitors to print off their own truck and car passes….NOW AVAILABLE instructions included… you use this pass to get in the 1st time and the guys on the gate exchange it for a sticker valid for the whole meeting. Circuit admission for spectators is free but vehicle access to the paddock areas is controlled by these passes.
Access for initial entry into the circuit is being shown as: Directions to circuit…
Enter via Blanchimont Gate (maximum 4m height permitted).
Motorway Verviers – St.Vith (E421-A27) –> Exit nº11 : Stavelot
- Wednesday June 22 : from 20:00 to 22:30
- The teams arriving outside these time will be parked on standby in the overflow area (even overnight) – After last year, I confirm… they really do mean this!
- Thursday June 23 : from 07:00 to 22:00
- Friday June 24 : from 07:00 to 22:00
Entry List 21/6/16
Scrutineering is all day Thursday until 18.00 (last year they packed up a bit early and left a few people stranded – just warning you!). Limited scrutineering BY APPOINTMENT on Friday morning – you MUST book in advance.
Drivers briefing at 8.30am Friday – Compulsory. Room 132 (1st floor via stairs or lift near garage 8)
Summary: 100 mins of track time
2 x 25min qualifiers on Friday
1 x 25min race on Saturday – Rolling Start
1 x 25min race on Sunday – Rolling Start
Max dB per car on track : 108 dB NO EXCEPTIONS!

Garage 24, then 23, then 22
We are in the F1 garages again… 4-5 cars per garage (it really does work at Spa!). Space will be tight, particularly behind the garages.. please park as tight as possible (expect a bit of squeezing around to happen). Car parking on Wed during off loading available in the covered car park below… any empty trailers that can go to the trailer park would be appreciated. PARKING UP ISSUES – REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE
Garages 20-30. Specific allocation plan
Race Grids. We will speed up the rolling start grid process by griding both races in the pitlane outside our garages…. your Mono team will supervise.
This will be explained in further info but basically…
- Two lines in the pitlane in exact qualifying/grid order.
- Released BEHIND THE SAFETY CAR, 1 by 1 (to fit through the exit road) in grid order.
- Form up behind the safety car and make one lap to the start finish line
- NO STOPPING OR FORMATION ON GRID (no rear end shunts please.. no one stops on the grid throughout the meeting unless we have a race stoppage).. no need for mechanics to lug batteries or tools onto the grid.
- This outlap is the safety car lap and when it pulls off into the pitlane the starter will be watching.
- If everyone follows the rolling start rules, the race will then start.
- No tyre warming after turn 16
- Cars must be properly lined up between Turn 17 and Turn 18.
- The safety car will pull off at the end of the formation lap into the F1 pitlane and the cars will continue behind the front row cars in grid formation.
- Minimum speed of 70 kph and a maximum speed of 90 kph (speed will be checked by radar)
- If the starter is satisfied, the red lights will be changed to green.
- No overtaking until the lights turn green
Exiting the track. After every session, following the chequered flag, all cars will complete a further lap and exit the track via the normal F1 pit entry
road after turn 18 (Chicane) .. so NOT like last year where we were directed back in at La Source hairpin. Cars required for scrutineering will be directed as required.
Map of circuit inc Turn Numbers
For those who haven’t been to race from these garages before… We are parked up behind the garages on the large raised terrace. Last year at a later meeting a truck did try parking hanging over the edge – not recommended!
- This is a non championship event as far as cars competing under the Monoposto banner/regulations are concerned. Cars from outside the normal Mono 7 classes who wish to be considered for entering as Invitation class cars should complete the request form.
- This is double header event for the F3Cup championship (10 expected) who set their own entry requirements.
- This is a non championship event for Formel Ford Danmark cars (9 entered)
- Invitation cars can be considered… please complete our FORM
- Be aware of the noise requirements!.
- National ‘A’ or equivalent licence required.
F3Cup Podium Ceremony 2015
Monoposto Podium Ceremony 2015
Podiums will be organised for F3Cup, Monoposto and FF Danmark top 3 in each of the 2 races.
ALL cars will be on track together in ALL 4 sessions.
Scrutineering: IS ON THURSDAY. Remember we will be scrutineered to FIA and not MSA requirements. This means, amongst other things, you must have approved fireproof underwear, fire extinguishers must be ‘in date’ (this must be verifiable by inspection – they will want to see the dates info on the extinguisher!) and Helmets/HANS combinations must also comply… see our guide on Startline.
RAIN LIGHTS… Reminder that Monoposto specify a flashing rain light of specific standard… please contact us if you require assistance – limited stock will be held by the Mono team if required.
FUEL… Normal pump fuel available by credit/debit card from the auto pumps inside the circuit. For F3Cup cars, Sunoco will not be present but fuel is being sent via one of the teams (Omicron)… please contact Sunoco direct if you have any questions or need to order fuel. F3Cup Fuel Notice
TYRES... The only tyre company we know about attending (there may be others) are:
Adams & Page Tyres Contact : Richard WOS richardwos@btconnect.com
or http://www.adamsandpage.co.uk/contact-us/ UPDATE Protyre also due to be in attendance.
Private cars can park opposite the pits in P14
The format for the practice sessions on Thursday 23rd is at the discretion of the organisers (Roadbook) to whom separate payment should be made on the day (booking in advance is not usually possible) see Page 16 of the Logbook
Officials. Your experienced Clerk of the Course will be Jean-Yves Munster assisted by the equally experienced David Scott from MSVR. F3Cup coordinators will be Joe East and Simon Gnana-Pragasam. Monoposto coordinators will be ‘Bert, Emma, Robin & Steven. Scrutineers will be Alister Poulter and Stig Jenson.
Using an HGV?… IMPORTANT… Belgium now has a GPS based road toll system for over 3.5T HGVs
Over 3.5t vehicle?… going to Spa? …. please makes sure you have registered for the new Belgian toll system. I am told by Adam at AP Motorsport that he registered here and it was ‘relatively’ painless – the ‘spy in the cab’ toll box due to be sent to his UK workshop arrived within a few days!
On the subject of transport, we have some members with large trucks (who will need to be aware of the above!) who can transport extra cars for members from the UK. .. message for further details.
Pictures from 2015 on Facebook
Results from 2015 2015_Spa_Summer Classic Monoposto_& F3_Cup
Lap (and half) with Dan Gore, pole position man in his class in 2015 (some nice driving)
Accommodation: Anyone prepared to share the secrets of their fav local accommodation (or any other Spa advice)? … drop Steven Connor a note and it can be shared for the benefit of other members.
YES… as promised! ENTRY FORM
2016 JMT Mono Championship Entry Form
MRC Guest Membership App & Champ Reg 2016
Couple of points please:
- Reminder please that you need to be a registered 2016 Monoposto full or guest member to submit an entry form (forms attached).
- Oulton Park is on the Fosters (shortest) circuit on Easter Monday 28th Not our preference but that was ‘all or nothing’ if we wanted Oulton. No testing is available at the circuit in the run up to the meeting so we have negotiated a ‘FREE’ practice for each grid – at NO EXTRA charge to our competitors (your club is absorbing the cost into the meeting finances). Getting this agreed with MSVR was the factor that delayed the entry form – my fault for thinking it up! By entering the meeting you are automatically entered for the 15 min practice session, although you can sit this out if you prefer to go straight to the qualifying. The rest of the day runs as normal, with a single qualifying using the 1st and 2nd fastest lap rules to set the grids for the 1st and 2nd races….
- MSVR switched their days around at our request so that we race on the Sunday and testing is available on the Saturday. There will also be a Mono exclusive test at the tail end of Saturday – Testing is PAID testing to be booked with MSVR. See http://www.cadwellpark.co.uk/testing/2016/april/160430-cp.aspx
- Brands GP is just a single day.. no one more disappointed than me (had that pencilled in for another of the great BBQs organised by Terry) but that is all that was available.
- Selecting your race dates. The entry form continues the established Mono pattern of only asking you to fill in one entry form for as many JMT Mono Champ rounds as you wish to do. There has been some ‘debate’ (understatement) about did some people tick all the boxes last year when they knew they weren’t doing all the rounds?… I just report here that the debates happened. Therefore I quote from the Dolly Parton song Jolene “please don’t take him just because you can”… and my version is “please don’t tick all the boxes just because you can” nuff said?
- With regard the above point, your Board has revised the Entry and Cancellation process to include a sliding scale of admin fees for race cancellations (attached) We know people have both race car and real life challenges (is there life outside race cars?) and that peoples plans can change. Please advise myself and Rachel as early as possible and we aim to match our 2015 record of having a place at every event for everyone who wanted to come along.
- REMINDER… you send the forms back to Rachel!
The Monoposto Racing Club (MRC) is delighted to announce a new multi facetted partnership with the JMTechnical Group (JMT) for 2016
As well as becoming the title sponsor for the prestigious JMT Mono Championship, JMT will provide a number of significant services to the MRC. These include:
- 240V power generation for the entire Monoposto paddock where circuit power is not available
- Enhancing the established Monoposto Paddock Hub facilities enjoyed by Monoposto members
JMTechnical group is a company that provides our customers with engineering solutions. We work in some of the most challenging environments delivering complex and diverse systems. Our products and services range from airport security checkpoints to kinetic energy recovery systems. The multi industry experience of our team allows us to deliver unparalleled world class solutions.
The JMT Mono Championship 2016 will be contested over 16 rounds at some of the finest circuits in the UK. Monoposto members compete in seven classes across a typical two grid format. In 2015 these grids were near capacity and this success is expected to continue.
MRC Chairman, Edward Guest commented that “support from JMTechnical will certainly enhance the racing experience with our club for our members. Many of our championship rounds are over a weekend so for JMTechnical to be able to provide additional paddock facilities for our members will be a great improvement and we look forward to a long association with them.”
JMTechnical Group Managing Director, James Williams said “At JMT we are very excited about this new partnership with Monoposto and the opportunities it will bring. Monoposto has been a great launch pad for our motorsport division and we look forward to the release of some new products and services this year. ”
For further details contact:
Steven Connor
Sporting Services Manager
Monoposto Racing Club
Championship registration and entry forms…
www.monoposto .co.uk
JM Technical Group MD is Mono racer James Williams (moving up to Mono F3 this year)
Fine points:
- There will be a new car sticker for the championship of the same size as the previous ST Cross one that a few people still have on their cars (Oopps, me included!).. like this:
- Paddock power will be accompanied with a few ‘guidelines’ for the benefit of all.
- The partnership covers all the main championship events.
- The draft regulations approved by the MSA yesterday, now to be officially published including the JMT Mono Championship name and dates.
- The 2016 yearbook has been awaiting final release until this announcement…. Low res copy attached, high res versions on the website.
Steven Connor
Sporting Services Manager
Monoposto Racing Club
www.monoposto .co.uk
Current list of 2016 Championship registrations as at 1st April (honest) 2016
Sorted as Race numbers 13th April
Reminder of the 2016 classes….
Full 2016 calendar and individual race meeting
The 2016 Monoposto Provisional Championship calendar has now been released.
Thanks are due to Douglas McLay for negotiating the calendar.
UPDATE… By the numbers….
Some key points to note with the 2016 calendar:
- We hope to have 16 rounds at 8 race meetings, some single day and some all weekend meetings, run once again by MSVR.
- Assuming all 16 planned rounds take place, the Championship will be decided by the best 14 scores for each driver. Thus this is once again the number of Championship rounds that officially take place in the year minus 2 – as per our regs.
- Our annual non championship trip to Spa Francorchamps (24- 26 June) was our first confirmed date of 2016 and we will be sharing the grid with a pair of rounds of the F3Cup Championship as in previous years.
- F3Cup will be racing at the same meeting as Monoposto for some of the UK events but are not sharing our grids.
- For the Oulton Park Easter Monday opening rounds MSVR plan to offer an optional Monoposto exclusive practice session open to all classes.
- Brands Hatch GP will be a single day meeting.
PROVISIONAL 2016 Monoposto Championship calendar
1. 28 March (Easter Monday) Oulton Park – Twin Header
2. 1 May – Cadwell Park – Double or Twin Header
3. 14/15 May – Brands Hatch Indy – Double Header
4. 28/29 May Silverstone National – Double Header
5. 24/25/26 June – Spa-Francorchamps (non-championship meeting) ( F3 Cup to share the grid with Monoposto) – Double Header
6. 23 July – Brands Hatch GP – Twin Header
7 13/14 August – Donington Park – Double Header
8. 10/11 September – Silverstone GP- 2 day Twin or possible Double Header
9. 8/9 October – Snetterton 300 – Double Header
FYI… F3Cup Provisional Calendar
23/24 April – Donington Park National
*14/15 May – Brands Hatch Indy
24/25/26 June – Spa Francorchamps (sharing grid with Monoposto)
16 July – Oulton Park International
27/28 August – Brands Hatch GP
*10/11 September – Silverstone GP
*8/9 October – Snetterton 300
The dates for the Tiedeman Trophy Championship have yet to be confirmed. We hope to run 10 rounds over 5 single day meetings in 2016.
The registration form for the 2016 Championship
Our Season wide race entry form should be available shortly.
Reminder that 2016 regulations can be seen at:
DRAFT 2016 Monoposto Regulations published.
DRAFT 2016 Tiedeman Regulations published
DRAFT Monoposto 2016 Yearbook published…… Hi Res Version
2016 Calendar to follow
2016 Monoposto Racing Club provisional calendar
1-2 | 28 March | MSVR | Oulton Park | Entry Form |
3-4 | TBC April | MSVR | Cadwell Park | Entry Form |
5-6 | 14/15 May | MSVR | Brands Hatch Indy | Entry Form |
7-8 | 28/29 May | MSVR | Silverstone National | Entry Form |
NC | 24/25/26 June | Roadbook | Spa-Francorchamps | Entry Form |
9-10 | 23 July | MSVR | Brands Hatch GP | Entry Form |
11-12 | 13/14 August | MSVR | Donington Park | Entry Form |
13-14 | 10/11 September | MSVR | Silverstone GP | Entry Form |
15-16 | 8/9 October | MSVR | Snetterton 300 | Entry Form |
April date TBC and Tiedeman Trophy dates to follow.
Full listing available on StartLine
These awards will be presented at the combined AGM and Awards Dinner on 30th January 2016
MSA Online licence service now available for 2016 renewals
If you are in the category that requires a medical (or Stress ECG) AND these items are still ‘in date’ then you can apply NOW online… Don’t delay thus allowing your ‘MOT’ to run out requiring you to get a new one!
Monoposto Racing Club Limited 2015 Accounts
MRC AGM 30th January 2016 Agenda
Anyone with an interest in Monoposto is invited to attend the afternoon AGM and informal discussion that follows.
Only registered 2016 members may vote on the formal proceedings of the club as listed in the agenda.
The composition of the Board will be changing for 2016 and I am requested to ask if there are any advance topics/questions members might like discussed on the 30th?
Awards Dinner Tickets
This list will be regularly updated to allow people to spot any errors.
2016 Mono Awards Dinner Ticket order
Reminder of our 2015 award recipients…
Attached plan shows the listing being sent to the hotel.
This should reflect all the requests people have made.
The special dietary request people all have notes attached to their details and these have been confirmed with them over this weekend.